

The power of Reliability
Convention Center Hanoi-2

Are you ready for Vietship 2025?

We surely are! We’re proud to announce our participation in the 10th edition of Vietship, the International Exhibition on Shipbuilding & Offshore Technology in the National Convention Centre of Hanoi.

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Are you ready for Vietship 2025?
royal van der leun - metaalbewerking - metaal - zeewaterinletfilters - zeefilters - metal - royal va

Custom made seawater inlet filters

Made with craftsmanship, for maximum performance at sea! These two custom-made seawater inlet filters (DN800) are key components of the cooling water systems of a large hopper dredger.

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Custom made seawater inlet filters

Electricity Connects

There is plenty of talent in our region. Talent needs space to grow. The Gorinchem based Fortes Lyceum (high school) has a great understanding of this principle. 

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Electricity Connects