Upgrade Pool Express and VOS Base from DP1 to DP2

Our service colleagues upgraded the Pool Express and VOS BASE from Vroon last year. The PSV's were converted from DP1 to DP2, placed under class (Lloyds) and complied with the FMEA trials.
This to keep both vessels deployed to the maximum.


DP stands for dynamic positioning. A system that automatically controls the position and course of a ship by making use of its own propellers, usually rudder propellers.

Some of the benefits of Dynamic Positioning are:

• Easy to maneuver and change position
• No tugs required
• The ship does not depend on the water depth
• Can start work quickly
• Not limited by obstructions on the seabed

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Convention Center Hanoi-2

Are you ready for Vietship 2025?

We surely are! We’re proud to announce our participation in the 10th edition of Vietship, the International Exhibition on Shipbuilding & Offshore Technology in the National Convention Centre of Hanoi.

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