We start the year off with a special work anniversary!
Happy New Year to all! We hope you had a wonderful start of the year.
Yesterday the Maritime Delta Student Challenge organized by NMT & Doon took place.
This time at the the inspiring STC building in Rotterdam. The event is aimed at bringing companies in contact with 2nd year students of a technical education from the STC college and the Da Vinci College and vice versa.
The day started with the challenge. In this part, students set to work in amounts with a challenge, which was introduced by the companies. The students had to deal with the technological innovations and challenges in the maritime sector.
The students could choose for a company they had interest in. Royal Van der Leun was represented together with Damen and Oceanco.
After a nice lunch it was time to pitch and convey it visually through Lego. The program would follow up with a Match & Greet with many different companies from the maritime sector. With this Match & Greet, students had an accesible way of approaching the companies for an internship.
After an award ceremony, this day came to an end. We have met a lot of students an we hope we made them excited.
Happy New Year to all! We hope you had a wonderful start of the year.
What an incredible year it has been for all of us at Royal Van der Leun!
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