Since 1920, Royal Van der Leun has built up a customer base outside of the Netherlands as well. To provide all our customers with optimum service, we have built a network of locations on several continents.
Electrical Marine Systems
Building No. 6,
Proud Science & Tech Park,
JinFeng South Road No.1328,
MuDuTown, Wuzhong Disctrict,
21500, SuZhou, JiangSu
T +86 (0)512 665 205 26
E chinasuzhou@royalvanderleun.com
W www.royalvanderleun.com
Middle East
RAK FTZ Technology Park
WH01 - Office 24
P.O. Box 55833
Rua Samuel Heusi 178
Office 903 - LGN Business
Center Itajai - Santa Catarina
CEP: 88301-320
Head office: Lot CN8.1,
Nam Cau Kien IP, Thuy Nguyen District,
Hai Phong
T +84 (0)225 3 540778
M +84 (0)904 985 456
E hoangdiep@royalvanderleun.com
North America
1175 Peachtree St NE
Suite 1000
Atlanta Georgia, GA 30361
128-2930 Amy Road, Langford
BC V9B 0B2, Canada
T +31 (0)6 14 24 29 42
E canada@royalvanderleun.com
Office 22, Global Building STP,
Muelle Viejo
07012 Palma de Mallorca • Spain
GT3 1st Floor,
Passeig Joan de Borbó, 92
08039 Barcelona • Spain
T: +34 669540143
E: spain@royalvanderleun.com